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Grounding Spot, the Place to BE.

MHA, WHO and CDC have declared a global mental health crisis. According to WHO, anxiety and depression increased by 25% in the two years following the pandemic. In the United States, it is estimated that about 45% of Americans suffer from anxiety or depression. What’s worse, access to help is limited.


According to MHA reports, more than half of those who need help are not getting it. Social stigma, long waiting lists, or high costs make it difficult for people. At Grounding Spot, we are changing all this. 

Solving for our mental health crisis is not an overnight endeavor. However, we can make an impact overtime as we mainstream mental fitness, make mental health support accessible and erase the stigma associated with mental health.

Grounding Spot offers a calm, soothing environment for people to enjoy healthy food and juices, participate in life-changing classes, practice meditation and yoga, take a cold plunge, increase endorphins with red light therapy and so much more for holistic wellness. 


Our Team.

Our team at Grounding Spot is a dynamic tapestry of dedicated individuals, ranging from experienced instructors and coaches to our guest service representatives and visionary corporate leaders. We stand united as an organization propelled by a shared passion: the relentless pursuit of creating meaningful change in the lives of others. Embracing the philosophy that teaching is an ongoing journey of learning and that true leadership is not just about doing, but about BEing, we're committed to fostering a community where every interaction is an opportunity for growth and empowerment.

BE Present

Bret  Borshell, MBA

Co-Founder & COO

Prior to attending the University of Washington in Seattle and earning his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology, Bret grew up in the Lake Tahoe area immersed in the outdoors. Bret began studying martial arts in 1991 and apprenticed with the President and Founder of the American Shorin-Ruy Karate Association for over a decade, earning his First-Degree Black Belt in 2004.


Later, Bret earned his Master’s Degree in International Business Administration from Florida Atlantic University and went on to earn the Platinum Real Estate Award as the number one agent out of 700 RB agents in the State of Florida.  While growing his real estate business, Bret became trained and is an avid practitioner of Transcendental Meditation and Present Mind Awareness. He also practiced mindfulness meditation and tai chi for 30 years.

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With Bret’s Japanese philosophies rooted in martial arts, Bret believes change begins with oneself and expands from self to others through positive interactions. Like his wife, Frances Borshell, Bret has been personally impacted by mental health and is committed to helping transform mental health in SWFL and beyond through the non-profit he and his wife founded called Grounding Wire.

BE Grounded.

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Frances Borshell, MBA


I spent much of my childhood suffering from anxiety. I didn't know what it was at the time. My parents didn't either. All we knew was I was afraid. I was afraid of everything. The light, dark, being alone, being around people I didn't know. You name it. I was afraid, and where there was fear, there was no joy. 

My mental fitness journey took off.

When I was 24 years old, I rushed to the ER fearful that I was having a heart attack. Nope. Anxiety is what the doctor told me. The doctor prescribed anxiety medication. Given my fear of drugs, I threw the prescription in the trash and decided to find a cure on my own. 

I immersed myself into a mental fitness journey with the goal of mental wellness. I started one-on-one therapy, took self-development courses and embarked on leadership training.

I also became trained in Transcendental Meditation, gratitude, art, yoga, sound and present mind awareness techniques. I could feel shifts within me. I could observe myself without reacting to myself. It was very powerful to experience. 


I soon realized something extraordinary. I realized I couldn't remember the last time I had anxiety or a panic attack. I wasn't afraid anymore. I wasn't worried or trapped in my thoughts. I realized I had finally grounded myself. I was happy deep down to my soul. 


What does being grounded feel like?

When you are grounded, you're in a state of mind where you are aware of what is happening in the present moment. You feel calm, and your mind is calm. You are focused on one thing: the present. Your brain is not frantically jumping from one thought to another or obsessing on anything. It feels like freedom.  

Grounding Spot Events

Countless 5 Star Reviews

"My work was extremely stressful and I couldn't sleep at night. I knew I needed to do something different. Since Grounding Spot, my life is much more calm and peaceful. I can sleep through the night. I'm a happy man."

Jeff Rogers, Engineer

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